Category: ePortfolio

Being on the Outskirts

I can see my mother talking to me and I can see her mouth moving, but I don’t hear anything coming out. I watch as the radio flashes, like it always does when music plays, but I don’t hear it. I stand at the window watching my little sister laughing and screaming in the yard, but all I can do is smile at the way she looks when she’s having fun. I’m trapped in a soundproof box and I can’t get out……

If I had to imagine my life without the ability to hear that’s how I would imagine it. Being there but not being able to tell anyone what I had heard, because I had heard nothing. It would be like I would just be taking up space for someone that should’ve been there, someone that could hear and enjoy life and all the sounds that came with it.

I would be trapped in a world full of sounds, and in my own personal little circle there would be nothing but things to watch, and nothing to hear except the voice inside my head saying I’m different and there’s no way to fix it. I’ll be trapped in the world unable to enjoy the sounds of family and friends as they have fun in life hearing all the things I wish I could.

I enjoy hearing and I don’t want to feel like an outsider who is forced to be on the outskirt of everything that is going on.